A New Collection, Sacred Spaces

The foundation of this new collection is inspired by my family life and the words of St. Teresa of Calcutta, “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.”

I recently experienced a period of dryness and lack of inspiration towards my artwork. During this time, I prayed and prayed that the Lord would guide me to something good and beautiful. I knew I had something to share in the depths of my heart but I needed God’s help to draw it out and put it on paper.

Family has always been very important to me, especially the relationships I have with my siblings and my parents. Although these relationships are not always easy, they are foundational to my personhood and have shaped the values and beliefs I hold today.

I reflected on my life from when I was a child to the present and I realized that the moments I cherished the most were the seemingly regular and mundane moments of life. The everyday moments such as having an intentional conversation with my dad or mom, learning something from my grandparents, holding my niece or nephew, or even watching a funny video with my siblings. It may not have seemed special in the moment, but now I look back on them with fondness and joy. I went further back into my mind and thought about playing house or making mud pies in my family’s backyard. All these little moments add up and to me, they are equally as important as the big moments, like a wedding celebration or the birth of a baby.

Being present to your family everyday is the building block of a firm foundation of faith. These moments are holy.

Which brings me to the basis of Sacred Spaces, my new collection. These pieces are not just memories, but true pieces of my heart and I cannot wait to share them with you. Save the date for September 18th when Sacred Spaces will be released.